Valid codes

  • LevelFix—Redeem for a Damage Potion, an Energy Potion, and a Gems Potion
  • Update1—Redeem for a Super Potion, 2 Luck Potions, 3 Damage Potions, 3 Energy Potions, and 3 Gems Potions
  • Auras—Redeem for a Super Potion, a Luck Potion, 2 Damage Potions, 2 Energy Potions, and 2 Gems Potions
  • SorryForShutdown3—Redeem for a Damage Potion, an Energy Potion, and a Gems Potion
  • SorryForShutdown4—Redeem for a Super Potion
  • SorryForShutdown2—Redeem for a Damage Potion, an Energy Potion, and a Gems Potion
  • LeaderboardFix—Redeem for a Damage Potion, an Energy Potion, and a Gems Potion
  • Secret—Redeem for a Damage Potion, an Energy Potion, and a Gems Potion
  • Release – Redeem for 2 Gems Potions, 2 Energy Potions, and Damage Potion
  • MiniUpdate – Redeem for 2 Energy Potions, 2 Gems Potions, and Damage Potion
  • SorryForShutdown – Redeem for Gems Potion, Energy Potion, and Damage Potion
  • BugFixes – Redeem for Gems Potion, Energy Potion, and Damage Potion
  • BuffUpdate – Redeem for Gems Potion, Energy Potion, and Damage Potion